The dog was spotted just after the New Year holidays. it was lying on the pavement leading to the Sever Garage Co-op, whimpering and not moving. Its rump was covered in frost and rime. it responded to attempts to approach with a warning growl.
One of the first people to notice the pooch on the road is Anton Zavadsky. He informed volunteers at a local dog breeding society of his discovery. When the rescue team arrived on the scene, it took a lot of work to get the dog out of its captivity on the ice.
When the dog finally understood that they were trying to save him, rather than punish him, he stopped biting and let the rescue team approach. The injured dog’s dried blood froze in the freezing cold, freezing the dog to the road.
The rescuers poured hot water over the frozen part of the dog to free it from the ice. After some time, the rescuers managed to separate the dog from the road by washing the frozen blood away with hot water.
They wrapped her in a warm blanket and carried her in their arms to the car, then took her to the veterinary clinic. She underwent x-rays there and it was discovered that she had broken pelvic bones and a ruptured peritoneum.
It appeared that the dog had been hit by a car and the driver had let it go on the road. Apparently, he was in a great hurry to get to the festive table, as he left the poor animal behind without giving him any help or even looking at what was wrong. No one knows how long the injured dog was on the road.
This difficult operation, which lasted several hours, was a success. The surgeon managed to rescue not only the life of the dog but also his health. The dog turned out to be of a cheerful and playful temperament. Although he cannot walk on his hind legs, he can only walk on his front legs.
Doctors think the dog will start walking soon.