Arctic Fishermen Found a Cut Seal on an Ice Floe, But As They Approached They Realized It Wasn’t a Seal

Fishermen on a fishing boat accidentally came across a mushroom-shaped ice floe with an animal on it. Initially, the crew members mistook the traveler for a seal, as they are most often found on drifting ice floes. However, as they approached, they saw that the animal on board was not a waterfowl at all.

Somehow the arctic fox, a rather rare animal, was on the ice. He was immediately placed in the warmth of the ship, given something to drink and a cozy bed to sleep in. The fox was probably looking for prey and went too far. And then the pack ice moved away from the mainland and into the open sea.

This is a very dangerous situation for such an animal. If people hadn’t come to the rescue, the fox might have gone away. The fox turned out to be very nice. He’s not even particularly afraid of people or where he is. He is warm, well-fed and calm, people feed him. He even poses for the camera!

The fox was fed sausages and cutlets, then released onto dry land. In fact, the actions of the crew saved his life. If she had not been encountered by humans, her fate would not have been enviable – she would not have survived in cold water.

The arctic fox is already an adult and there is no sense in it. leave with humans. It is not suitable for humans, it will be stressed and in general can be dangerous. If the anglers meet a small fox, cut on the ice, this animal can become a member of the team.

But this animal was released on the shore and rightly so.

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