Elephants know that humans are unique. In Africa, these most intelligent species are still unlawfully hunted. Ivory is still highly prized on the black market, as it has been for hundreds of years, prompting poachers to massacre tens of thousands of elephants each year.
The story of this elephant brings back the belief in humanity. He almost went away with a well-directed poacher’s shot. Luckily, a bullet fired in the forehead lodged in the dense bone. Everything would be fine, but the elephant could have gone from septic shock.
The national park employees did not immediately understand why he was deliberately heading toward them. Everyone knew of cases where enraged elephants swept away everything in their path. But when the poor man approached, the hunters realized he was asking for help.
Rescuers quickly arrived on the scene. Transporting an elephant in this state is undesirable, therefore, it was helped right there. The hardest part was removing the bullet, it held tightly to the skull. Nevertheless, it was safely removed and the wound was cleaned.
Now the rescued elephant has become one of his own for the people who can and will look after his welfare.