It is amazing how much an animal’s life depends on its appearance. For example, light-colored dogs and cats are lucky and much more likely to be adopted than black cats. Purebred animals also have an advantage over mixed animals, and young animals over older ones.
However, Bean, a three-year-old purebred cat, has had bad luck with adoptions. Although Bean is a beautiful purebred, exotic short-haired cat, visitors to the shelter avoided him. For some reason, she was considered „ugly”, and some said she looked „too sad” and had „a grumpy face”.
Failed photos of the cat posted on the website or otherwise may have contributed to this, but regardless, Bean had been at the shelter for a year and the staff was slowly beginning to see her as unpromising.
But they were even more surprised when they received an application email for Bean. A girl called Franziska turned out to be the one who wanted to take Bean.
She explained over the phone that she had been living alone since moving to town and her beloved cat had stayed with her parents in the countryside. She didn’t want to take him with her, because he was used to a free life and it would be hard for him without walks.
Now she needs a new pet and Bean is the best option. The staff asked Francisca several times if she was sure she wanted the cat and each time she replied that she would be happy to adopt him.
She did not change her mind when visiting the shelter where many other animals were, especially since Bean immediately showed her wonderful character – she began to rub the girl’s feet as if she begged her to take him with her.
Franziska even cried; she didn’t expect the cat to be so affectionate from the first minute she met him. Of course, the new owner took the cat and they went home together. So, in January of this year, Bean, who most people thought was grumpy and sad, became a happy pet.
As Bean’s new owner now writes in her blog, she doesn’t regret her intuitive choice at all. Bean turned out to be a great companion and his great passion is olives. Bean recently climbed into the fridge and managed to eat several olives before his owner took them away.
The cat tried to get another olive and even offered her favorite toy – Donald the duck – but Francisca was adamant – too many olives are not good for a cat. Bean is undoubtedly a great pet, but his looks don’t match his personality at all.