A squirrel hid 70 kilos of nuts in the truck

Bill Fisher, 56, from Fargo, USA, returned home after a four-day business trip. He opened the hood of his Chevrolet Avalanche truck and found about 70 pounds of nuts inside.

The American’s winter sock was left in the car by a red squirrel who lives nearby. Bill says the squirrel started hiding nuts in his car in 2013 and now does so every season.

This time, it took the man more than two days to get the squirrel supplies out of the truck. The whole engine compartment was completely filled with nuts. The hoarding bully exclusively uses the Chevrolet Avalanche for her storage, although Bill has other cars as well.

Environmental and conservation specialist Jacqueline Aliperty thinks the squirrel’s behavior is quite typical, and that Bill’s car is indeed considered his ideal warehouse.

„It’s quite possible that this particular squirrel considers Bill Fisher’s truck to be part of its territory. The hood of the truck is the ideal place to store foodstuffs because it is closed and dry,” – explained Jacqueline.

It’s likely that Bill Fisher’s truck will become nut storage again next year. He will have to buy a squirrel his own truck.

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