This is the most beautiful cat home we have ever seen

When we hear the word municipal home, we think of the particular places, often – if not almost always – where animals live in confinement.

But there are homes we never imagined could exist. One of them is Kedi Kasabasi, located in the Black Sea province of Samsun. This home is also called „the city of cats” because it is truly a „paradise”, where cats live.

This wonderful place thus opened its doors about 7 years ago. And it consists of wooden houses inhabited by kittens left behind. The place is framed by a large forest. Cats are free to a large extent.

This home is supported by the municipality, which provides everything for the animals. What to start with. Classical music that can be listened to relax, three meals a day, places to play and exercise, and various games.

It also has specialists who care for people in need. Isn’t all this wonderful? East. In winter, in fact, it has heated places so that the animals are warm.

Faruk Khan says he wants cats to live comfortably and feel at home. Most were found left behind. And their goal is to find a forever home. The home is often visited by many schools. The little ones come into contact with kittens.

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