The story of a yellow cat who is not naturally like that, but his mistress tested a folk medicine method on him

There are so many different and beautiful cats in the world that delight our eyes, but no one has ever met a yellow cat.

The hero of today’s story is yellow, not by nature, but by a method of folk medicine that his owner tried on him. He was living with his mistress in Thailand and one day the mistress notices that the cat has something that looks like shingles on its paw.

The hairs did not grow and were covered with a dry crust. Ashley’s owner was very scared and her first thought was to take the cat to the vet immediately. But then she remembered that they had once gone to the vet for an operation and the cat had gone mad with fear.

It was impossible to hold her back, she was raging and scratching hard. That’s when Ashley decided we could try folk medicine to start, before taking the cat to the vet and putting her through a lot of stress.

Ashley didn’t know much about traditional medicine herself, so she called her elderly mother, who had more experience in this field. On her mother’s advice, Ashley bought some turmeric and treated the wound on the cat’s paw.

But then she noticed that the cat also had such scabs on her body in some places and she had to completely treat it with turmeric.

The kitten was unhappy with the procedure but still behaved well, because the mistress is loved by her and the procedures that she performs herself, rather than the hands of other people in white coats.

It turns out that the owner overdid the timing and the turmeric got so embedded in his coat that Ashley washed it with water, he didn’t want to get it off. Ashley had to live with this new color because she couldn’t use any chemicals that could harm the cat.

A miracle happened, the turmeric really helped the cat and got rid of all the scabs. This method also made the cat popular on social media as everyone considered it an unusual cat.

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