The story of Richie, who went from 'lost and found’ to a family favorite

What Richie, an old Toy Terrier, went through and endured when his owners didn’t take him with them to his new place of residence and left him on the street. How he found a new family and adapted to it. How the dog went from an abandoned „lost dog” to a family pet.

Richie survived despite his ordeal. Sick, cold, hungry. He was abused by bad people, feral cats, and stray dogs. He was at the bottom of the scale. He clung to life by all means and managed to win, to survive. The reward for Ricci is a new foster family that loves and cares for him.

Several times adverts for abandoned and found toe flashed on Avito and Iz Ruk v Ruk. People have found a Toy Terrier, taken it home, and tried to get it into good hands. Some thought he was already too sick and too old, others had no means to support him and no money to treat him, still, others hurt him.

After a while, when no good owner was found, the dog found itself on the street again. The whole ordeal started again. The dog had forgotten about kindness and was completely unaccustomed to affection. He used to be a fine pedigree dog, with a proud build and article.

Oksana, came across the announcement of a girl who wanted to give the toy to caring hands because there was a cat in the family, which hurt the baby when the girl was at work.

Although Oksana already has a dog, a not very young girl named Eva, out of pity she took Richie for herself. That’s what she named the baby. I washed it, warmed it, and fed it. He healed his wounds and his tattered tail. I treated it for bugs and pests. Surround the dog with care and affection.

And it turned out that the dog needed to be educated again. He had forgotten how to go up and down the stairs. He was afraid to get in the elevator. He was not used to eating from a bowl and refused to walk on a leash.

But Richie was smart. He quickly learned or remembered things he had forgotten. After a week, he has visibly rejuvenated and become a beautiful, intelligent dog, who happily follows his new mistress on her walks. Eva has a new friend, boyfriend, and protector. Ritchie has a loving girlfriend and family.

They did a little investigation and found that Richie had been on the street twice, he didn’t run away or get lost, they just left him alone on the street and drove off.

It was most likely because he was starting to score some corners at home. It is understandably very boring, but you can always teach your dog to do it. It takes a little patience and love.

And it’s important to find a human! Now, after a month, Richie is unrecognizable. It’s as if he had lived his whole life as a dog in this family. Where he became a full member. May all the „lost” find a name and a good family.

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