In life, there are sometimes situations where making a choice becomes very difficult. This is exactly what happened when a woman wanted to adopt a stray kitten. Her cat, who was 13, had recently passed away.
The owner was very concerned and when a neighbor told her that a stray cat had bred in her barn and was missing, she immediately decided to give the stuffed animal a new home.
She went to the barn and was shown two snow-white kittens, which turned out to be kittens. She immediately thought she couldn’t choose because they were exactly alike. A little later, she saw their brother, black as coal.
After hesitating for a few minutes, she couldn’t make up her mind. Take one or two and leave the other to its fate? For a good person, it was a painful choice. The woman left the barn with the three kittens.
At home, the three people quickly settled in. They had their eyes fixed and the kittens were healthy. They spent all their time together – eating, playing, and sleeping.
Even months later, their rescued mistress confessed that she couldn’t decide who was cuter – she loved all three of them equally. « They are very well behaved. They are very well-mannered and affectionate! I don’t regret taking the three at all then! » The owner of the kittens
These adorable babies are lucky! May all who need a home, warmth, and love be so lucky!