The seller of a Z-patterned puppy asked for two million for the animal. He explained how he got the idea to sell it for such a sum on the Avito site. The puppy’s owner, who introduced himself as Alexei, said the two million he was asking for was « experience due to the situation ».
« The price is humorous, but many are already writing and are ready to offer a considerable sum. One of them offered 50,000 in earnest. The second said 1 million, he is a fence. I cannot say s ‘they are serious »
According to the seller of the expensive Z-bird, his « experiment » elicited a rather mixed reaction. “I only heard meanness and laughter from people at my address.
After the start of the special operation of the Russian armed forces on the territory of Ukraine. Many Russians began to insert the letter Z, which appeared on the armored vehicles of the Russian contingent.
For some time now, even the authorities of Kemerovo Oblast have ordered to spell the word « Kuzbass ». And on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Victor Tsoi. Artist Alexey Sergienko presented a portrait of the rock star in a Z-stitched military uniform in St. Petersburg.
The craftsman was not convinced by the artist’s anti-war songs, nor by the fact that Tsoi had avoided military service.