47-year -old girl awarded

According to the public prosecutor’s office in Tubingen on Wednesday, the associated fine amounts to 150 daily rates. A spokesman did not name the specific amount.

If the 47-year-old accepts this, she is considered to have a criminal record. The authority accuses her of violating the Animal Welfare Act in 26 cases. The woman, who has kept huskies for many years, was aware that keeping the dogs in transport boxes outside of transport trips is not permitted.

Nevertheless, she is said to have kept her 26 dogs in just 18 transport boxes in an almost completely closed transport vehicle in Dobel on a July night last year. The animals are said to have lacked water and fresh air.

After a warm summer day, the temperatures did not drop below 17 degrees even at night. Twelve of the dogs perished. Two others had to be treated in a veterinary clinic.

Despite several expert opinions, the cause of death had not been clearly clarified, the public prosecutor said. However, the authorities assume that the dogs died of suffocation and overheating.

According to the Association of German Sled Dog Sports Clubs (VDSV), on the other hand, the owner had properly housed her animals in boxes and found 12 of 26 dogs dead in the morning.

The VDSV wrote that the animals could have been poisoned and canceled a sled dog race planned for the winter in Dobel to be on the safe side. Peta, in turn, considered poison to be the cause of death and filed a criminal complaint.

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