Stray dogs, the scourge of Bali’s resorts. Everywhere you go there is a procession of stray dogs following you, begging for food or a bone. Due to the number of stray dogs, Bali is also called „The Isle of Dogs”.
The government is trying to solve the problem of stray animals, but as long as there are few dog shelters in the country, they could not solve it completely.
One evening, Rico came home from work. As usual, he was surrounded by a pack of stray dogs who accompanied him on his journey. Suddenly, a piercing blue eye caught his eye.
A creature that didn’t look like a dog was staring at him. His thin-skinned skeleton was covered in sparse hair, his ribs underneath, and all of his bones were visible.
The animal was severely emaciated, looking like a „living corpse”, and it was unclear what was keeping it alive. The man, mesmerized and enchanted by the sight of blue eyes, took pity on the four-legged creature and took it home to feed and care for.
The foundling, whom Rico named Hope, was given a second chance at life. The young man took care of the dog, wormed it, and cleaned the insects from its fur.
With each passing day, the animal changes and improves. He shaved off the remains and bits of unidentifiable hair on his sides. Slowly, but surely, the dog was changing, gaining weight.
Her age and race were becoming clear, a young girl. The breed of the dog was still unclear, but soon it was no longer a mystery to him either.
It didn’t take long for Hope, as in the fairy tale of the „ugly duckling”, to turn into a beautiful beauty – a Husky.
However, believing that the Siberian husky can be found on the hot streets of Bali is as difficult as believing that a dog of this breed can be found on the sand dunes of the Sahara.
Nevertheless, it is true. It is also true that the beautiful Hope was able to find a fiancé of the same race on the island.