The smart one is lucky because the cunning Tim has taken advantage of the intelligence of Ben, a Labrador

The smart one is lucky because the cunning Tim has taken advantage of the intelligence of Ben, a Labrador. Chihuahua Tim came into the home of housewife Jenny Leach when she decided to keep him with her family after picking him up from a shelter.

At that time, Jenny already had a Labrador dog, called Ben, who lived in the house.  He was an intelligent, sensitive, and kind dog, able to understand and enter into the other’s situation. After the orphanage, Tim wanted affection and was attracted to his new family in many ways.

But due to his small size, it seemed he was always left out and more attention was paid to his big Labrador, Ben. So Tim’s small but clever head came up with a cunning and devious plan. How to turn the disadvantages of its small size into advantages.

So he asked Ben to help him, to put his broad and strong back under him, so that Tim could climb on the table and become taller than everyone, and above all, closer to his owners.

Since then, Ben’s back hasn’t belonged and served him alone, the sneaky sneeze has adopted him for climbing the table and for walks around the house, for outings, and even for the bath. He takes great care and looks after his little feet. And now he walks without getting off Ben’s back and also takes his bath.

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