Many dog ​​and cat owners trim or shave their pets hair completely in the summer to help them withstand the heat better

Many dogs ​​and cat owners trim or shave their pet’s hair completely in the summer to help them withstand the heat better Unlike humans, dogs and cats do not sweat on the body.

« Sweat » on the tongue and pads, and therefore cool in a different way. There are certain breeds of dogs and cats that should never be clipped. There is also no need to shave cats, as their coat provides excellent thermoregulation.

In addition, cats can find the coolest place in the house where they feel good on their own. If your cat goes outside without his coat, he can get serious sunburn. Instead of going to the hairdresser, it is better to ensure the comfort of the cat in the house.

In addition, ventilate the room, do not leave it in closed spaces, turn on the air conditioner, etc., – the expert explained. To help pets cool off in the heat, the specialist advises turning on the air conditioner at home and in the car if possible.

To walk in the shade, wet the bed on which the animal sleeps, or buy a cooling mat.

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