Rabbits vs Humans: Who Won the Salad Eating Contest. Who won the salad eating contest?
Salad-eating contests are a favorite American pastime. California recently held another unusual competition in which a bunny and a girl competed against each other.
Reyna Juan is a 27-year-old American who professionally eats huge amounts of food and enters the contest to eat delicious treats. This time, she was challenged by a nine-kilogram bunny named Honey Mega Bunny.
However, during the lettuce eating contest, Hani did not touch the food – the animal froze in front of the giant plate of leaves and did not eat a single leaf. Another rabbit came to replace Honey, but she too did not eat a single leaf.
Thus, Reina won – in ten minutes she devoured more than one and a half kilograms of lettuce. Louis Moses, who breeds giant Flemish rabbits, was not surprised by the result. He told us that rabbits don’t eat everything at once.
Rabbits are not like dogs that eat everything quickly. They distribute their food evenly throughout the day. They eat a decent amount, but over a period of time, – said the owner of the rabbit.
After the competition, Reina Huang, who doesn’t often indulge in salads in her daily life, said it was more of a challenge for herself. After all, when a girl participates in contests and challenges, she doesn’t pay too much attention to what her competitors are doing.