Story of the mini pig that turned out to be a normal pig

This is a warning to anyone who sees videos of little piggies on the internet and thinks, „How cute, I want one. Nigel Graham, 57, bought the little pig as a birthday present for his wife, Sam, 48, who is allergic to cats and dogs.

At the time of purchase in 2014, the seller assured the man that the maximum piglet weight would not exceed 35kg.

The adorable little piggy has grown into a 177lb pig who eats 9kg of food a day. Moreover, she refused to live outside and moved to the ground floor of the family chalet, which has three bedrooms.

The arrival of the giant family member forced the couple to change their routine. Nigel made a wide driveway for Grace to go in, moved into the garden, and bought a mattress for the pig to sleep on.

Grace spends just over $25 a week on food: she eats special food, as well as leftovers from her owners’ meals.

Weirdly, we love our pet monster. We were surprised when she continued to grow, but we quickly accepted it and decided to do everything for her comfort. Grace is special.

She eats, sleeps, goes out to use the bathroom, likes to spend time with us, and watches television. She can’t stand the cold and the rain, so she stays inside all the time on days like this.

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