It is not known exactly if the animals feel the end of their life approaching. However, a little piglet on its way to the slaughterhouse has decided to fight for its future.
first, he fell right on the side of the road, behind a white boundary line, and then he injured his hind leg in the fall and therefore did couldn’t run on the busy freeway.
It is not known exactly if the animals feel the end of their life approaching. However, a little piglet, taken to the slaughterhouse, decided to fight for its future. When a cattle truck pulled onto a highway in the Florianopolis region of Brazil, the brave little pig managed to get out.
He was twice lucky: on the one hand, he fell by the side of the road, behind a white boundary line, and on the other hand, the injured his hind leg in his fall and n couldn’t run on the busy highway.
After examining the animal, the woman began to slow traffic on the freeway, which was fortunate as the bikers came to her aid.
The bikers came to her aid and, with their combined efforts, traffic was stopped and the piglet was transported to Rosa’s car, which took her to the veterinary clinic where Isabelle Joannie de Oliveira works, a doctor specializing in the treatment of pigs.
The piglet stayed at the clinic for three weeks while its leg healed. During this period, he enjoyed great success, befriending humans and four-legged patients. He was named Baby Pig, or simply Piggy.
After her recovery, Baby Pig was transferred to a farm in the Serra da Cantareira, where she will live until the end of her life. By daring to take a desperate leap, the brave little pig was able to change his life. He trusted his luck and she didn’t let him down!