If there’s never too much of a good person, then even more of a good dog. Meet Elliott, a black pesel who can be easily mistaken for a bear.
Elliot is the calmest and friendliest dog in the area. He can get along with anyone and loves swimming. When the owners of the pesel discovered their pet’s addiction to water, they enrolled him in professional lessons in the pool. The fluffy comes to every lesson with his favorite toy.
There are days when the pesel does not separate from its starfish even while swimming. Elliot holds it in his face, while he breathes through his nose.
Despite the fact that Elliot is a big boy, he is afraid of noise and shouting. Therefore, if the fluffy is naughty somewhere, the owners call him for a calm conversation. It looks very funny. About the same, my mother scolds me when I was 25:
Fluffy loves sweets. Its daily portion is measured according to one principle: the muzzle should just fit into the bowl. Would you like to get such a barking bear?