A volunteer settles in a kennel for a shelter dog

It’s amazing the extravagant things volunteers can do for their pets. One of the most original projects is the idea of ​​the American Scott Poore, who found a way to help a dog considered irrecoverable by the shelter.

A three-year-old dog named Quinn (Queen) was found in a dumpster in Kansas City, Missouri. Quinn thought it was her home, but volunteers offered her something better: a spacious kennel in a shelter. It was there that she met Scott, who had been helping the shelter house dogs for three years.

Things didn’t go well with Quinn. She had been at the shelter for over a year, but no one wanted her. Perhaps it was due to its black color, which most potential owners disliked, or perhaps it was also due to the breed, popularly nicknamed « fighting dog ».

Quinn felt lonely and withdrawn, and her chances of finding a forever home were hopelessly dashed. So Scott had an unexpected idea – he decided to move into his office. After coordinating his intention with management, he moved his belongings to the room where Quinn was being held.

The box was small, so they had to sleep on the floor. However, a small table and chair were able to be placed inside as a workspace for Scott.

Quinn was delighted with her companion and, little by little, their relationship became truly friendly. Scott couldn’t become Quinn’s master because he already had a dog, but he really hoped someone would notice her.

The plan worked. Thanks to the many photos that have gone viral on the internet and the media attention given to this unconventional project, Quinn has become known far beyond state lines. A family decided to take her in and the day turned into a party for the shelter staff, who gave the dog a great start.

Quinn joined her new home, and Scott was finally able to return home, where a much more comfortable bed was waiting for him. He said life at the shelter, where he spent a week, was not easy due to the heat and noise, but it was worth it.

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