Incredible Chihuahua Puppy Carried By Falcon And Thrown From Great Height Saved By Construction Workers

Construction workers working in the backyard of a home in Austin, Texas were drawn to cries for help from a tiny puppy. A golden eagle, scratching it with its huge talons, was trying to fly it into the nest, where it intended to finish off the kitten.

The workers started screaming loudly and threw rocks and sticks at the bird in an attempt to dislodge it. They managed to scare the bird away and the buzzard unseized and freed the little one. The little dog fell to the ground, badly bruised but still alive.

Workers took the frightened sneeze to a veterinary clinic, where the animal received all the medical attention it needed. Doctors treated and stitched up wounds caused by the bird of prey’s claws.

Fortunately for the puppy, and to the surprise of those around him, this fall from a height had no tragic consequences for the dog. All of the Chihuahua’s bones turned out to be intact.

No one bothered to pick up the pup, so they gave him a new name, Tony Hawk, and started looking for new owners. But as they say, everything healed like a dog on that one.

As soon as the wounds healed and the stitches were removed, the dog was turned over to the local animal welfare association, Austin Animal Center. They published the story of his miraculous rescue.

The doggie has become famous and popular. Many Texans have wished they had a hawk-clawed dog in their family. This is how his nickname – Tony Hawk – translates from English.

It was Renee Keys who had the honor of picking up the dog from the shelter. She says the dog will stay with her for at least a month until she can find a permanent family. She says the pup, which weighs just 450 grams, is a real fighter.

Not only did he manage to stand up to a hawk and call for help, but he survived a fall from a great height and is recovering quickly from his injuries.

And the Austin Animal Center has once again issued a television warning to all owners of small indoor and ornamental breeds, asking them to watch them outside. Indeed, there are many birds of prey, snakes, coyotes, and other dangers that can injure and even kill small pets.

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